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A New Energy Source - Blacklight Power - YouTube

A New Energy Source - Blacklight Power - YouTube why is the black light power renewable and economic? How does it work? Black light material? Heat is generated. Heat=elect. Chemicals react and produce heat burst. Steepen and gradually fall. Data logger collects wall temp and cell-wall temp Nickle powder & amp; tiny hydrogen available, The Q' is it repeatable?  there's combustion, but what chemical reaction occurred? It's a New Source working now to facilitate power. It creates power from heat bursts of large magnitude. 9:35 / 13:11 Up next Autoplay 28:49 Antigravity & Open System "Free Energy": Searl Effect Generator LIFTING THE VEIL 259K views 54:53 Green Technology D...

Could be a good read

Space Weather on Par With Tornado Threat, NASA Chief Says -

Space Weather on Par With Tornado Threat, NASA Chief Says -   The Video that plays just before this shows us that a Super Galaxy is forming and it is creating 2000 stars a day.  Where there is movment there are currents and when there are currents there could be things shifting around like possibley our planets and our Sun? | articles | articles articles Skip to content Setting a Healthy Food Plan For Seniors can be almost as easy as planning a heart healthy diet for improved criculation. We know that seniors can eat less and produce less energy so getting enough of that nutritional value circulating through the body can be very import. If we remember what to avoid we can help keep things in action. Eating those harder to digest mineral rich foods like brocolie, bannana’s, dark green beans that are richer in those compound nutriant components can cause more of a traffic jam than a smooth flow. Seeds often also don’t go anywhere. So for those of us who are getting older and a little closer to warn out, it may be benificial to try and keep those Pyloric mucosa secretes forming those hormones we call gastrin, to keep our glands active and working in the Stomach. Lest not forget the value of the Stimuli that intervenes in those secretions to the brain. So to help keep that...

The Most Epic in Basketball

If Charles Barkley was the most memorable person of the 1992 Olympics, how memorable over all was the Dream Team in an Epic Comparison?  The Friendship the Co-memorable moments,  the best of Basketball, The Biggest Stars,  The Biggest reactions. The Dream Team Will  Dominate  the most Epic of Epic in Basketball Olympics for, well...   Maybe      forever... 1992 Olympics-- NBA tv 5/12/13 The Dream Team Defeated the other teams In the 92'  Olympic by an average of 44 points each, on their way to the gold against Croatia in the Summer of 1992 at the Barcelona Olympics.  Croatia bringing  home the Silver, The Croatian team has also won the Bronze Medal at the FIBA World cup. Chuck Daly- Head Coach,   Assistant Coaches-     Larry Wilkens,  P.J. Carlesimo and Mike  Krzyzewski . Sports

If Charles Barkley was the most memorable person of the 1992 Olympics, how memorable over all was the Dream Team of 1992 in an Epic Comparison?  The Friendship the Co-memorable moments,  the best of Basketball, The Biggest Stars,  The Biggest reactions. The Dream Team Will  Dominate  the most Epic of Epic in Basketball Olympics for, well...   Maybe      forever... 1992 Olympics-- NBA tv 5/12/13

‘We Stand on the Mountain of Development and For the First Time, Mother Earth Is Sending Invoices Back,’ General Assembly Told during High-level Debate

‘We Stand on the Mountain of Development and For the First Time, Mother Earth Is Sending Invoices Back,’ General Assembly Told during High-level Debate "By the Year 2015 we will have a model form of Climate Change our children deserve nothing less"   scientists had recently coined the term “anthropocene

Best Fishing Near Eugene, Oregon

Best Fishing Near Eugene, Oregon The ;Willamette River -Coast Fork- running through the Eugene Springfield Area; Some may think was a place to stay away from when Fishing Season came around, but come to find out, it's not to bad.  The Willamette River is open for Seasonal fishing the same as any other river in the Willamette Zone.  Large size Steelhead arrive naturally through May and June and are caught through the Summer, Rainbow Trout as well as Cutthroat Trout are stocked and may be harvested late April through October...

Micheal Jackson's Wrongful Death Trial-- Childrens Testify about Micheals last few day's  Micheal Jackson's Wrongful death trail to open. Dramatic Revalations and Legal Fireworks Begin Monday May 6th Jurors earning only 15.00 a day are going to have to sit and listen to months of testamony before they will be able to decide if they can pay Micheal Jacksons Mother and three children billions of dollars for  liability on the pop  star's career.  Oldest Sister Janet Jackson will sit only a few feet from the jury as Micheal's oldest son and doughter discribe their father's last day's.  The trial will be held in a small Court with many of it's seats taken  by  parties involved in the trial.  There will be weeks of Testomony about the Singer-Song-writter's addiction and medical condition. The Jurors were chosen to decide weather or not AEG Live, the company that promoted Micheal Jacksons 2009 comback concerts hired or supervised the physician that...


Twitter <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Just came back from the last day at the EVBMX IndoorThe Green Hornet is only 3/4 a bike lingth away from the Domino, going outdoor.</p>&mdash; elizabeth Frazier (@myjkb) <a href="">April 21, 2013</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>