Springfield Launch's A Series of Meetings in hopes for affordable housing opportunities. By Elizabeth Frazier Photo by: Elizabeth Frazier Oregon-state law is now requiring that local government take action in order to coordinate affordable housing and development. The Governor of Oregon, Kate Brown, signed two bills into law April ' 16 2017. City Councils’ were asked to have a series of meetings that may spur new opportunities for business and housing. Springfield's Mayor and City Council met with City Manager Gino Gramaldi and Comprehensive Planning Coordinator Anette Spickard, Monday Oct. 10 at City Hall in order to begin analyzing the data provided by Sandy Belon of the Development and Public Works Department ( DPW) . The public a ction that will be taken is to be consistent with the upcoming adopted plans. The DPW's analysis determined that Springfield's population is currently experiencing an income gap between the affordable housing...