Micheal Jackson's Wrongful Death Trial-- Childrens Testify about Micheals last few day's Micheal Jackson's Wrongful death trail to open. Dramatic Revalations and Legal Fireworks Begin Monday May 6th Jurors earning only 15.00 a day are going to have to sit and listen to months of testamony before they will be able to decide if they can pay Micheal Jacksons Mother and three children billions of dollars for liability on the pop star's career. Oldest Sister Janet Jackson will sit only a few feet from the jury as Micheal's oldest son and doughter discribe their father's last day's. The trial will be held in a small Court with many of it's seats taken by parties involved in the trial. There will be weeks of Testomony about the Singer-Song-writter's addiction and medical condition. The Jurors were chosen to decide weather or not AEG Live, the company that promoted Micheal Jacksons 2009 comback concerts hired or supervised the physician that...
Llamas ‘Kiss’ Patients’ Blues Away : A kiss from a llama is more like a soft, furry lip bump, but people still seem to like it. That’s why when Niki Kuklenski brings her therapy llamas, Marisco and Flight, to Camp Korey for children who have serious medical conditions, they set up...
Twitter <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Just came back from the last day at the EVBMX IndoorThe Green Hornet is only 3/4 a bike lingth away from the Domino, going outdoor.</p>— elizabeth Frazier (@myjkb) <a href="https://twitter.com/myjkb/status/325795281746665473">April 21, 2013</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Forget superfoods, you can't beat an apple a day | UK news | The Observer If Super Foods don't contain micronutrients or the equivalent in Value give me an apple or a grape and add a piece of good bread to the table