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Showing posts from 2016

Eugene 20X21 Murals' two and three

Eugene 20X21 Project, Mural #2, By Beau Stanton Beau Stanton Mural #2 of  Eugene 20X21 Middle Section of Steven Lopez Mural #3, Eugene 20X21 Project Steven Lopez Mural, Eugene OR

Art Suffices Consciousness

Art Suffices Consciousness Mural by: Beau Stanton; On the back of McDonald Theater in Eugene OR By Elizabeth Frazier Art has earned a place of its own within intelligent thinking.  If you weren't one to realize it before it seems possible you may become more aware of it in the future as Eugene moves forward with it's master plan for the public arts, which is a “cultural plan that counts on public art to play a role to help ―integrate art's and culture into the fabric of Eugene’s downtown and neighborhoods."  The Lane Arts Council was awarded $57,000 in July 16' to go along with the percent for art program which allows one half of one percent of  construction grants to go toward art creation. The other portion is put toward art education for children and community art events that can make the outside world seem a little more accessible to inner city children and adults. Tomi Douglas, Eugene art committee's Public Art Manager lead the “Firs...

Eugene Poetry

 Eugene Poetry  By: Elizabeth Frazier Sunday evening at Barns and Nobel , Eugene OR. Contemporary, Modern, New Age, Philosophy, Psychology, Naturalism, Realism; Poetry can renovate the foundations that true up purpose and guide connection or it can allow our dreams to take flight with two feet off the ground and our heads' in the clouds. Poetry has proven over the years that it can shed light on things that are not talked about, issues, ideas and comprehensive understandings left up to the human mind for clarification. As Poet Andrew Gonzalas took stage, he began to articulate three poems that seemed to guide purpose and awareness. The last of these three was entitled “Awareness” and was performed off mic for it's “articulate,” creating a lucid awareness at times. Gonzolas's   “On Worshiping the Gods.”  read; “ya even to the chore's of our existence”... we should find balance..for the sissified... and servitude...and reflect within the calendar y...

Civic Photography

Springfield's Affordable Housing Plan

Springfield Launch's A Series of Meetings in hopes for affordable housing opportunities. By Elizabeth Frazier Photo by: Elizabeth Frazier Oregon-state law is now requiring that local government take action in order to coordinate affordable housing and development. The Governor of Oregon, Kate Brown, signed two bills into law April  ' 16 2017. City Councils’ were asked to have a series of meetings that may spur new opportunities for business and housing. Springfield's Mayor and City Council met with City Manager Gino Gramaldi and Comprehensive Planning Coordinator Anette Spickard, Monday Oct. 10 at City Hall in order to begin analyzing the data provided by Sandy Belon of the Development and Public Works Department ( DPW) . The public a ction that will be taken is to be consistent with the upcoming adopted plans. The DPW's analysis determined that Springfield's population is currently experiencing an income gap between the affordable housing...