Eugene Poetry By: Elizabeth Frazier Sunday evening at Barns and Nobel , Eugene OR. Contemporary, Modern, New Age, Philosophy, Psychology, Naturalism, Realism; Poetry can renovate the foundations that true up purpose and guide connection or it can allow our dreams to take flight with two feet off the ground and our heads' in the clouds. Poetry has proven over the years that it can shed light on things that are not talked about, issues, ideas and comprehensive understandings left up to the human mind for clarification. As Poet Andrew Gonzalas took stage, he began to articulate three poems that seemed to guide purpose and awareness. The last of these three was entitled “Awareness” and was performed off mic for it's “articulate,” creating a lucid awareness at times. Gonzolas's “On Worshiping the Gods.” read; “ya even to the chore's of our existence”... we should find balance..for the sissified... and servitude...and reflect within the calendar y...
Opinion Article/photography/poems