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Showing posts from December, 2022


Gravity may keep me down, with my feet on the ground. It keeps me walking around.  Gravity is my keeper, it is my best friend.  Gravity keeps me going. Calm, Keeping my word.  Seeing love in its claim and of its own reason.  Moving forward with purpose.

Nature's Order: The Model of Concern; Response to Aaron Lester's Problem With Predictions, Harvard Gazette

The Problem With Predictions, Harvard Gazette: “People have always yearned to peer into the future to make sense of what's going to happen”, Said Mathematician-Speaker; David Orell (Aaron Lester, Harvard Correspondent reports) during a Peabody Museum Talk, April 25, 2013. Although Orell’s talk is not recent his subject seems timeless. Turning points can be hard to make and even harder to predict, especially if we aren't looking. Taking the time to do things responsibly is more important everyday. Everybody has been rushing about for such a long time it seems we don't slow down and look. We might notice things do peer back at us. If we take the time to see them. With all the deadlines to meet, bills to pay. What notice did we miss? If we could slow down. Follow the signs. Think about the obstacles, clean up the trip hazards and have the patience and compassion to allow things to fall into place. People may begin to see what will happen. Because of what happens when we do...

Resolve to knowing what we know. Accept the simple truth: Is it there to help fulfill a need?

Acceptance is beyond reproach. What I mean is when there is a task at hand we need to accept it for what it is to go about it. We accept it resposibly. We think about what we need to accomplish it. We think about what it entails. I say entails because It would tell it's own tale, a tale of just compliance creating accomplishment. Each accomplishment forming its own tale of truth. Beyond reproach, there is not another meaning for what we have to accept. In order to get something done we have to accept what it is and what it is for. Think about what we need to do it. What parts will make it work right and keep it working. We may need to figure out what we will need to be sure it's finished. How will it keep it's luster, how is it strong. How will it stand the test of time. Does it give enough to make us happy? A little joy in our hearts is just what we need to keep us healthy. I'm not saying go out and find yourself a project that may give you something you need an...