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What does decorum mean?
noun De*cor"um. Propriety of manner or conduct; grace arising from suitableness of speech and behavior to one's own character, or to the place and occasion; decency of conduct; seemliness; that which is seemly or suitable. Usage: Decorum, in accordance with its etymology, is that which is becoming in outward act or appearance; as, the decorum of a public assembly.
Even epic poetic works should fit in a genre. If Given full authority back to the 15th and 18th century theoreticits Aristotle and Horace. Poetic forms as "labled by our society(1918)" "occupy their proper place in genre by decorum". They are "critically allied for discourse". "Proper behavior is exspected of both lititure and citizens alike." Essentional Quality is left outside the theorist's range of analysis therefore placing each work in its' own genre occupied by theme. Aristotal and Horace seemed to agree from the begining. Having "the stapels of discourse said to be fully defensable" allowed each work to be claimed by their own essentional quality giving style to discouse. (Summary: Liz Frazier Co: Rick Altmon 1999: Film Genre).

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