The Problem With Predictions, Harvard Gazette: “People have always yearned to peer into the future to make sense of what's going to happen”, Said Mathematician-Speaker; David Orell (Aaron Lester, Harvard Correspondent reports) during a Peabody Museum Talk, April 25, 2013. Although Orell’s talk is not recent his subject seems timeless. Turning points can be hard to make and even harder to predict, especially if we aren't looking. Taking the time to do things responsibly is more important everyday. Everybody has been rushing about for such a long time it seems we don't slow down and look. We might notice things do peer back at us. If we take the time to see them. With all the deadlines to meet, bills to pay. What notice did we miss? If we could slow down. Follow the signs. Think about the obstacles, clean up the trip hazards and have the patience and compassion to allow things to fall into place. People may begin to see what will happen. Because of what happens when we do...
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