Response to: On the Agenda; Banning Natural Gas from homes By Magan Banta Published Feb 5, 6am Register Guard. Liz Frazier Photo Article We have been working with natural gas for soo long. It is popping up out of the ground and breathing it is not safe but is ignoring it, and how it runs safely, safe? What will happen when there is nowhere for the natural gas to go and it is still flowing in a fossil fuled way. Electricity and heat are made to be regulated and cost money. Do disruptive green house gasses come from disrupting conductivity? Electricity and heat is a need. Warmth is necessary for understanding and working with information. The Natural Gas Act, which was administered by the Federal Power Commission (FPC), extended to the transportation and sale of natural gas by natural gas companies. In 1954 the Supreme Court extended regulation to the prices paid by interstate pipelines to independent natural gas producers. It seems there has been a lot of attention paid to how ...