Establishing the need for the constitution
Answer: Edgenuity Warm Up- The Need for the Constitution
By; Liz Frazier Photo Article on
The State's and the Federal Government's powers were separated. Although inseparable by the fact that they were one thing; Inseparable. The Militia by the State and Federal Government was something that needed to be one with its law. It could not be separated by laws. It was one thing.
Although the Central Government made the laws and created money the State’s creating money, created separate laws from the Central Government.
The States also made it a point not to have all the powers given to the Central Government. Creating an illusion of an attempt to become united. “As a consequence the States held most of the power, creating a separation of Country. A weakness that could cause the law to fall apart. The Government was not able to maintain order, given the separation of self.
It could not become United and therefore needed to establish a government with a Constitution. The Country needed to remain united (one country, not many). A Country can not be pulled apart by different laws. Difference divides and separates acknowledgment. It would create indifference because the People could not understand what the law was. It was for the Country. They would not remain united and therefore needed to make a constitution and a new government.
The States needing the Unity of the federal government during the revolutionary war was contradictory to Colonniolist beliefs that independence from a strong Central Government was necessary. Their experience from the war had been misleading.
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